Sending missionaries and keeping missionaries sent.


It started in 2004 when I was just a high school student. I felt that the Lord was calling me to be a missionary. To serve him in the distressing disguise of the poorest of the poor.

As a 17 year old searching for colleges, choosing a major, and discerning what was ahead of me in life, I found no help from the adults or pastors in my life. Instead, I found only discouragement. “Oh honey, once you graduate and have a job for a while, if you still want to do this, you will figure it out.” “You will never survive as a missionary, they are only priests and religious.”

But I did not take no for an answer. If I felt this calling, surely I wasn’t the only one.

The first mission was in Fayette County, Pennsylvania with myself and a few audacious high school students.

Finally, in 2005, I started Missions of Hope simply as a cover organization for wannabe missionaries like myself. For those who felt God calling to them to do awesome things, so they can say “Here I am Lord, Send me” (Isaiah 6:8).

I have watched the organization grow and evolve.

We have established several missions and strengthened many ones that already existed. We have done missions on every continent (besides Antarctica). We have had missionaries arrested and persecuted for their beliefs. And we are only beginning.

In its 15th year of its existence, the Holy Spirit has arisen and inspired an even bolder mission. The institute has been reorganized in a way that allows it to empower missionaries in their service to the poor in even more powerful ways.

Now missionaries are given fundraising support like never before, donors are given transparency that’s beyond best practices, and volunteers are given opportunities to encounter Christ in astonishing new and deeper ways.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Welcome to the Missions of Hope family. I dare you pray this prayer with me… You won’t be disappointed.

Kevin Name.png

Kevin Kacvinsky

Kevin plays with children at their home in a favela during his long-term mission to Salvador, Brazil

Kevin plays with children at their home in a favela during his long-term mission to Salvador, Brazil

The Missionary’s Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, I am yours and you are mine. I invite you to abide in my heart. Please stir up deep within me a love for you that cannot be quenched. unleash the holy spirit upon me and make evident to me your will for my life. then bless me with the strength and resources to make it happen. grant that I may see with your eyes and Feel with your heart, that I may spread your love and your mercy wherever I go.

Amen, So be it.


Our Vision

A missionary society that unleashes the Holy Spirit to Gift Christians with participation in The very works of God.

Unleashing the Holy Spirit:

The famous British missionary C.T. Studd (1860-1931) once wrote:

"How little chance the Holy Ghost has nowadays. The churches and missionary societies have so bound Him in red tape that they practically ask Him to sit in a corner while they do the work themselves.”

Missions of Hope exists to make this a statement of the past. Our “No Restrictions on the Holy Spirit Policy” completely upends the traditional missionary society model and unleashes the Holy Spirit.

Unlike traditional missionary societies, we do not tell the missionaries where to go, how long to stay, or what work to do… The Lord does. It’s only after the Lord speaks to the missionary’s heart that we become an interested party. Missions of Hope does everything possible to help the missionary fulfill their calling and say “YES” to the Lord.

This policy makes us completely dependent on God for everything we do, for it is He who inspires the missionaries, it is He who funds the work, and it is He who guarantees success.

The Gift of Participation:

Missions of Hope sees it as not only a sacred duty, but as a true privilege to connect laborers abroad with laborers at home. By our very baptism, Christians are all called to be missionaries, to being the gospel “Ad Gentes” (“to the nations”).

Our maxim says it all:

“Some missionaries give by going, others go by giving.”

Missionary dynamism can be found and cultivated in any vocation. Some care called to be missionaries by enabling the missions to happen, while others are called to be in the field. Some are called to participate in the missions of others, while others are called to be the leaders of missions. Some are called to be long-term and others are called to experiences or to seasons of mission.

It’s truly a gift to participate in missionary activity, no matter how Jesus is calling. Just like our “No Restrictions on the Holy Spirit Policy,” we simply sit back and allow God to move in the hearts and minds of His believers. When we say YES to what he wants of us, it’s always worth it.